Speculative Design on Food Systems
Food culture: human relationship to food (individual). Culture of the food industry: human relationship to the food system (industry, influencers, mechanical system) (collective).
Intentions, motives
Healthier people/lives. Spiritual reconnection / consciousness around food. Sustainable industries (emphasis on the people) (strategy of focusing)
Being responsible for food choices and impact (personal, and impact on food systems (industrially and culturally)) Engaging with food in a way that promote social bond and caring, joy (in communities). Social eating increases social connection Food is intrinsically linked to our society and social bonds. Critical role into social bonding. Social with food (central aspect of the food culture). Food scarces. fears and anxiety around food. Eating disorders. Privileges of being able to choose your food. People shuold be free or have the right to consturct their own narrative around food (and cultural identity) Using food for the type of vehicles: Reconnect with your bodies, your people around and where the food comes from (mindfully, meditative)
High-level Vision
Gathering fo people, information and geography and reintegrat the food systems into each spoonfull. Tension individual and collective Tension cognitive and presence We are calling people out on getting their act together.
Actions, Tasks
Reconnect spiritually with our nurishment and food systems to create healthier people and psycholocgical healthier and physically healthier while promoting sustainble algriculture and food industry methods utopia. harvest, honouring the effort it takes to grow the food .deeper recognition of both plants, animal, earth and human effort that goes in puting food in front of you. Become more aware of the impact of your choices about your food and how it has ripples effect. Appreciation of bounty and abundance with the community (eating at the same time at a restaurant). Celebration of life through food. Recognition of people knowing about the geography and actual physical planet to acquire consciousness and spiritual conenction with the planetary home. (individual) Look back at their history in relationship with food to get a lttle bite more conscious of their current relationship with food that is outside of rapid convenience. (individual) People to look at what has been added and what has lost (collective).
Giving a chance to to do something about this. Form indivdual and colelctive. And using this colelctive design feedback to inform the commerce.
Restaurant -> order meal at table -> vr experience -> group discussion -> vr experience -> leave
Design Concept
Food Democracy
Compiled word definitions from Oxford Dictionary: "Important topics for debate in present-day customs, heritage and habits around the nutritious substances humans eat or drink in order to maintain life and growth".
Issues in Contemporary Food Culture
Food Consumption Culture
Framing: Relationship to food as accumulation of experiences
- Food as commodity
- Food as mere convenience
- Food as mere pleasure
- Food accessibility/affordability
- Food awareness
- Food as identity
- Food-related addictions
- Food micro-cultures (ethnicities, workplace, schools, social media, TV, etc)
Food Production Culture
- Food waste (packaging, etc), Water waste
- Food mileage
- Industrial stress on food culture (food affordability)
- Artificial “food” (GMOs, pesticides, antibiotic resistances)
Activism and Democracy in Design
Food Manifesto (1)
- Food as Social Action: Food as cultural artefact, food for sharing and bonding,
- Food as Physiology: Food Effects on the human body, biology of Food
- Food as Psychology: Food pleasures, Food as reward, Food rituals,
- Food as grief (acceptance of the reserved energy). Recognizing its mortality and finiteness.
- Food as Life Cycle: For every food received, new food has to be given. Responsibility making educated use of Food. Conscious food choices
Embodied Life (2)
- Cultural Restoration of Food as “Embodied Life”
- Reminder of the embodiedness, mortality, identity of food
- Embodiment: Food is, in one way or another, the energy reserve (quasi-inert) cultivated from life (biological or synthetic) (bio-life or in-vitro cultures)
- Mortality: Food is a resource of energy reserve that eventually dissipates
- Identity: Food has authentic origins, with a history; a story and a culture
Actionnable Summary
- Informing Individuals
- New Questions, Discussions, and Feedback about Food Systems
- Encouraging Reflective Purchasing
Speculative Design
Focus Group: VR Installation
Design sketch of a focus group VR experience on food systems
- Greeting at the restaurant and briefed on session instructions
- VR experience of selecting a meal through ingredient selection
- Group discussion
- VR experience of selecting a meal through ingredient selection (2)
- Group discussion
- Eating food as a group
- Receipt with a memory token